Dyfi Valley Health, Bro Ddyfi Community Hospital, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8AD

contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk 01654 702 224
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We offer a wide selection of clinics. Click on the name of the clinic to read more information…

Diabetes Clinic

We are trained to offer advanced diabetic care including many of the services traditionally provided in hospital clinics.

The clinics are run by a mixture of GPs, practice nurses and nurse specialists.

Not only do we provide all the nationally recommended screening to try and prevent complications but we also teach how to inject insulin and other modern injectable drugs. We can manage switches from different treatment regimes to try and give our patients the best possible personalised care.

Minor Injuries

Our GPs and nurses are trained to assess and treat minor injuries.

We can manage cuts, lacerations and sprains, assess possible fractures and treat minor head injuries.

This service operates between 8am and 6:30pm at either surgery and is open to both registered and non-registered patients.

Anticoagulant Clinic

We provide monitoring of all blood thinning medications.

Warfarin is managed with point of care testing using a device which gives clinicians an immediate test result. We give each patient a daily dosage chart, allowing for safe and efficient care.

District Nurse

District Nurses can be contacted seven days a week between 09:00 – 17:00
Call: 01654 705 238 (answer machine available)

Child Health

We have fortnightly child health clinics managed by doctors and practice nurses. These are for routine health checks of babies and children, immunisations and for non-urgent child health concerns.

Baby Immunisation Information

For all the information on baby immunisations, click here.


If you need a medical for driving (HGV, bus or taxi), insurance purposes or recreational pursuits then our reception staff can book this for you.

These are not covered on the NHS and a fee is charged for this service – reception staff will let you know the cost at the time of booking.

We can only accept cash or cheque payment.


We provide all methods of contraception including pills, patches, injections, implants and coils. Please make an appointment with a GP or advanced nurse practitioner to discuss this.

Emergency contraception is available and may be prescribed over the phone if appropriate.

When we are closed you can also get emergency contraception from chemists or from the out of hours service.