Dyfi Valley Health, Bro Ddyfi Community Hospital, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8AD

contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk 01654 702 224
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Make an appointment

How can you access us?

March 25 2022 | Patient Notice
Dyfi Valley Health

How can you access us? 

All communication to us is welcome in both Welsh and English.

There are 6 ways to make an appointment with us:

Call our reception team between 08:00 and 18:30 any weekday (exc bank holidays) on 01654 702 224.

Come to our front door and do it in person with a receptionist.

Email us on our new dedicated email address (note this is for non urgent appointments only) contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk.

Text us (this services is for patients who aren’t able to talk on the phone or have no access to other digital means), information available via the above email or reception.

DM over Facebook – due to data protection rules we cant make appointments or deal with medications etc via our Facebook page, but if you leave your details via messenger we can call you back. Please note though that we aren’t able to check Facebook all the time so this needs to be for non urgent phone back requests.

You can also complete the appointment request form on our website for non emergency appointments.

We ask that any home visit requests come in to us before 12pm so that adequate time can be set aside.

In November 2020 we put in a total new phone system. Perks of this system:

There is unlimited phone lines! It’s a cloud based system so all calls are stacked and you will never hear that annoying ‘engaged’ sound! You will always be told where in the queue you are and DVH managers can see ‘live’ waiting times. This will enable more of the team to answer calls, if needed/available.

There is an automatic ring back system, which means you can hang up and the system will call you back when you are first in line. The system will then connect you straight to us – just remember to answer your phone when it rings back!

The system is connected to our clinical record so we should know who we are talking straight away.

All calls have both a Welsh and English option and will tell the team your language choice before we answer the phone (we will always try and connect to a welsh speaker when the welsh language is selected)

Urgent or Routine?

Appointments are available 6 weeks in advance.

We will always give a same day appointment for an urgent same day emergency. We have an on-call GP on site all day every day. If reception are unsure if a same day appointment is needed, reception have an open door access to the on call GP for them to decide. This isn’t a decision made by a receptionist! Our clinicians have a variety of specialties, abilities and knowledge so reception will find the best fit for you. We also have a mix of males and females in both our GP and non GP clinical team.

Same day appointments will always be given for Children and Adults with a clinical need. A receptionist will ask for a brief description, but only to ensure that we find the most appropriate person to deal with your request. We follow the Welsh Government requirements which does state that a GP might not always be the best person to support an appointment request, but we a patient is seen by the right person, within the right time and in the right place, which of course might not be in our practice.

Routine appointments – we aim to give you an appointment within 4-6 weeks of the request.

Initially an appointment will always be a telephone consultation (except for nurse appointments etc). This is not triage. This is a consultation where you will speak to a trained clinician. A telephone consultation might be on the phone, might need a pictures to be sent in or be a video consultation. If pictures are requested, this will be done by reception as the appointment is made. Reception do not look at any pictures but will save straight to your notes for the clinician to see prior to your appointment. All appointments are 15 minutes long. It is a clinical and patient decision, at this time, if a face to face appointment is needed. Reception cant decide without clinical input if a face to face appointments should be given initially. Please support our process. This ensures that only the patients who need to physically be seen by a clinical do so within the right time frame.

Patients to book into routine face to face appointments again with a non GP clinical, and we are now in the process of ensuring our waiting facilities meet the required infection control standards to allow more people into our building.

Repeat Prescriptions can be requested:

Putting the paper request in our dedicated post box

Via contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk

Via My Health Online (please email contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk for information)

If anyone has any concerns or comments please email the address above. The Practice Manager and management team will always try and support our patients as best we can.

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