Dyfi Valley Health, Bro Ddyfi Community Hospital, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8AD

contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk 01654 702 224
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Practice Update 07/05/2020

May 7 2020 | Patient Notice
Dyfi Valley Health

Despite all the new procedures and protocols for COVID-19, please all remember that we are still here to help you with all your medical needs.

Every patient who calls in will get an appointment with a clinician and the best cause of action agreed with them. We have a full clinical team working and we are here for you, whatever your medical need.

We have appointments available for anyone who needs one. Just call reception between 08:00 and 18:30 weekdays o n01654 702 224.

Please can you make sure anyone that doesn’t have internet access/Facebook knows this. Anyone who can’t access Facebook or our website just needs to call our reception team.

Dispensing is working hard and so far we are meeting demand. Camad Machynlleth (Facebook) is able to help with vulnerable or self-isolating patients with their deliveries.

Thank you all for your support, good wishes, and kindness shown to us over the last few weeks. We really appreciate it and during harder times these wishes and support really help keep us going 🙂

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