Dyfi Valley Health, Bro Ddyfi Community Hospital, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8AD

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Dyfi Valley Health’s in-House Advanced Paramedics

July 19 2021 | Patient Notice

The aim of this blog is to give you some information about our Urgent Care Practitioners (UCPs). Who they are, what they do and their role within the Doctor’s Surgery.

We want you to understand how important they are within the team and feel assured that when you have an appointment with them, you are in the safest of hands.

UCP – Who they are?

Hannah and Shane are both highly trained, qualified, and registered Advanced Paramedics. Between them, they have over 30 years of practical, hands-on, experience within the Ambulance service. Working on the front line they have seen it all!

As if they were not qualified enough, to allow them to work within primary care, they both went back to university and obtained their Practitioner Qualification.

UCP – What they do?

From their time working as on-call Advanced Paramedics, they are both qualified and experienced in dealing with a wide range of issues and complaints.

They are an integral part of the clinical team here at Dyfi Valley Health and work alongside the GPs, practice nurses, district nurses, HCAs and Advanced Nurse practitioners to ensure patient needs are met and medical care is delivered safely and promptly.

Whilst your patient journey may start with them it may be a normal part of the provision of care for you to be referred to a Doctor, or another member of the team in the practice. On occasions, your care may be delivered by a consultant or specialist in secondary care they are able to arrange a referral on your behalf (if appropriate).

Shane and Hannah – UCPs

UCP – Why are they here?

In 2017, Dyfi Valley Health formed from the merger of two different practices, now covering a very large and diverse geographical area.

As a result, Dyfi Valley Health has had to expand and alter the workforce to be able to meet patient needs.

The doctors within the practice would not be able to manage a safe practice without utilising alternative clinicians.

It is Dyfi Valley Health’s goal that patients needing medical care are contacted by a clinician as soon as is appropriate. We are here to try and ensure this is possible and safe.

When discussing the importance of the work that UCPs carry out, Dr. Khurshid, Dyfi Valley Health’s most recent GP Partner writes:

“We are extremely lucky to have such capable medical professionals in our team!

To be able to call upon the experience of two Advanced Paramedics within the Surgery to help the patients of the Dyfi Valley is something we should all be very grateful for and proud of.”

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