Dyfi Valley Health, Bro Ddyfi Community Hospital, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8AD

contact.w96011@wales.nhs.uk 01654 702 224
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Your Patient Record

July 28 2021 | Patient Notice
Clinical Records

Exciting changes are afoot for those in the Dyfi Valley. The redevelopment of the Machynlleth Hospital has begun, and soon we will enjoy a very modern care facility.

Part of this redevelopment is the relocation of Dyfi Valley Health from the current Machynlleth surgery into the new Machynlleth Hospital. This move has also allowed us to evolve the way your physical medical records are stored and managed.

To help with data security, fire threats, and space issues, your medical records have now moved from Dyfi Valley Health in Machynlleth. They have been moved to a specialist Health Board Managed storage site, specifically designed for Medical Records.

Most of the time we use the records that are held on our medical software – Every communication we receive regarding you is carefully scanned onto the medical software and clinicians have access to it without leaving their chair. However, on certain occasions, a clinician, or member of the team will need to access your old medical records. The way we do this has now changed…

We now must request your medical record from this secure Health Board controlled site. Your medical record will then arrive via a secure courier. This process can take up to 10 working days…

We wanted to make you aware of this and appreciate your patience and be rest assured we are doing our best to help you.

Many thanks

The Dyfi Valley Health Management

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